radar.map35@...6... wrote:
Joshua, i'm often on IRC (it seems my pidgin can't use jabber now).
i often stay until midnight to 02:00 (french time). My nick is pygmee
I'm about 5-7 hours different from you, and I work in the evenings (from 3-10), so it's difficult to be on at the same time as you are, unless you're on earlier (before 3 my time).
However, I'm usually off Lundi et Mardi, so I'll try to be around tomorrow if you guys are. What time zone(s) are all of you in, and when can I most likely find you on IRC the next 2 days. Maybe we can get some things hammered out.
An idea I had - I may be able to set up a jabber chat room somewhere (since gristle isn't really working well for a lot of people) that we could use for docs. Would that be welcome? I'll look into it tomorrow early, if it's something you would want.