Dnia 2008-11-29, o godz. 18:18:12 "ryrych@...2..." <ryrych@...2...> napisał(a):
Dnia 2008-11-29, o godz. 16:55:06 "Marcin Floryan" <marcin.floryan@...2...> napisał(a):
If the translations are almost ready could these not be targetted for the upcoming 0.47 release rather than 0.48? Please remember that translations for a release can only be finished when Inkscape enters the string freeze period.
cześć Marcin,
Of course, I meant 0.47 release not 0.48. I mixed them up. The process of translation of Inkscape tutorial is following: I translate the tutorials and when the work is finished, I send them to my proof-reader - Monika Płaza. The last stage belongs to Leszek. As you know, he's the leader and all the texts depend on him. Leszek agreed me to be the translator because I wanted to achieve an experience. I don't take part in translation of the Inkscape interface cause in my opinion it requires more experience than tranlation of the "normal" text. Anyway, we will be ready soon.
Where would you expect this page to be created?
Prokoudine and Adam Hyde know. :P Ok, ok... I'll tell you: I mean floss manuals page.
Sorry for citing myslef.
Quotation from inkscape.org:
We very much welcome translations of the manual. Please join the inkscape-docs mailing list and tell us about yourself.
^So I did. I want to make myself sure whether I made myself clear.
Sorry for bother you.