I have updated the to-do list based on the feedback from Alexandre and Joshua (see below). A couple of comments: based on Joshua's reply about first updating existing chapters before writing any new chapters I have labeled any content that would require a new chapter so these can be left until existing chapters have been updated. I have left the translation of the guides grids and snapping chapter in with the existing chapters as I feel that it is a necessary chapter to add. If everyone thinks the list looks good then we can ask Adam if he will create a to-do list for us on the manual page to help keep track of what still needs to be done. I have already made notes where I have noticed that people have already started making changes.
All right Add some To-Do's
INTRODUCTION SECTION Working with files Chapter * Add Auto-save function * Modify Clipboard section * modify PS/EPS/PDF sections with regards to Import/Export * Add small note around exporting of blurred objects to bitmap (not cutting off part of object blur) Interface Chapter * Update toobar info (e.g. toolbars are now resizeable) * Add small intro to new Snapping toolbar * Add hovering over swatch shows name of swatch
TOOLBOX SECTION * Toolbar operations need to be updated for several tools Node Tool * Add improvements to tool, especially auto node * add node tool able to edit clipping paths/masks without releasing path/object relationship (maybe add this to multiple object ops section. Tweak Tool * Add New Modes * Update modifications to Tweek tool Calligraphy Tool * Update new modifications Eraser Tool * Complete Chapter and Add to Section – Done * Review Chapter Pen Tool * Add 3 new modes * add note on vector brushes Pencil Tool * Add not on vector brushes * Add pencil sketch mode * modify smoothing parameters Text Tool * modify pageUp/PageDown Dropper Tool * modify tool control bar
TEXT Text Effects * Add spell checker (or create own chapter?) Text and Paths * Converting text to Paths (each glyph is now a single object)
MULTIPLE OBJECT OPERATIONS Clip and Mask * Can edit nodes without releasing paths Copy, Clone, and Duplicate * Add command for re-linking clones * Auto re-linking with duplicate * Clone/Original Visualisation
POSITIONING OBJECTS Grids Guides and Snapping * Needs to be translated and added to Positioning Objects section * Add snapping (including Toolbar) * Modify grid information * modify guide information (can now be rotated) Align & Distribute * Ability to treat objects as a group without having to 'group' them * Space out option used with the transform dialog
ORGANISING OBJECTS Layers * Chapter needs updating (before starting a cosmetic change needs to be reverted in UI)
STYLING OBJECTS Stroke Style * Add Gesture based stroke width adjustment Fill and Stroke * Add Pattern Editing Modifications (don't know if this would have high enough use to add)
LIVE PATH EFFECTS * With all the improvements made to this aspect of inkscape it might be a good idea to review the whole section Introduction * Add Past Path Effect/Remove Path Effect * Add Effects can be added to the sides of a 3D Box * Pen/Pencil tools work correctly with paths that have had an LPE added * Path type parameters can link to existing shapes and Text * LPEs can be assigned to Groups * LPE stacking Pattern along path * Add improvements including Text as imput
SVG FILTERS Introduction * Add changes arounders filters (e.g. filter editor was filter effects) * Location and development of “Filters” top level menu * the “no Filter” display mode
* GENERAL NOTES AND TOPICS I'M NOT SURE WHERE TO ADD * * Review of all chapters for references to the effects/Extensions menu * * Linked bitmaps update – where to add – should there be a working with bitmaps section, which could include the tracing bitmaps chapter (Josh has added) * * Object Properties now include Title/Description/Interactivity attributes
* SVG Fonts (may or may not go into .47)
PATHS Boolean Path Operations
* Translate Chapter into English and Finish it. * Add Combine now works on groups
MULTIPLE OBJECT OPERATIONS Tile Clone * translation Tile Clone Chapter
LIVE PATH EFFECTS * Add Chapters for some of the new effects (e.g. knot – need to get full list of new effects)
SVG FILTERS * add chpater including brief look as some of the filters - UNDERWAY
ADVANCED * Add chapter for the preferences dialogue since it has been updated.
EXTENSIONS - NEW SECTION * Maybe create a new section around the new and improved entensions e.g. Arrange>Restack, Modify Path>Add nodes, Printing>Add Printing Marks, Render>3D Polyhedron, Render>Alphabet soup...etc. (Because there are so many I would recommend just giving a brief outline for each extension under on chapter rather than as individual chapters)
WORKING WITH BITMAPS - NEW SECTION - JOSHUA HAS ADDED Using Bitmaps - JOSHUA HAS ADDED * Linked bitmaps update – where to add – should there be a working with bitmaps section, which could include the tracing bitmaps chapter (Josh has added) Tracking Bitmaps - JOSHUA HAS STARTED * Need to translate and add chapter.