The Inkscape book is online.
Its looking great! We need to get the word out. Remember all the proceeds go to the development of the manual - one idea is to sell copies so we can afford doing another inkscape book sprint. So..to help promote the book it would be great if anyone with a website log etc could cut and paste the following into their site:
<img src="http://en.flossmanuals.net/bookstore/bookstore.gif"/> <style> @import url("http://en.flossmanuals.net/bookstore/bookstore.css"); </style> <script src="http://en.flossmanuals.net/bookstore/bookstore.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> FM.init({"items":1,"paging":true,"preferred":["Inkscape"]}); </script>
This will show the book in a small 'ajax' insert in your page and link to the page with more info about it and a link to buy the book.
There is more info on configuring the embeddable shop if you look here: http://www.flossmanuals.net/bookstore
2 euro (about 2.5 USD) is made from each sale. The team can then decide what to do with the $, I personally hope it will go towards another book sprint. FLOSS Manuals takes no $ but I hope the team will make a donation to FLOSS Manuals from sales to help us build and maintain the tools/community etc.