Le 13/10/2016 à 12:33, Hinerangi Courtenay a écrit :
I'm not sure when the mobile styles went to prod,
Just a few days ago.
but if you want I can give you a hand to get it working better cross-platform (it's not responsive on my laptop).
I guess you’ve got some Retina display with the crunched Apple behind it. Well, any good window manager has a feature called ‘tiling’ so that you can take advantage of a large display — :P.
I tried working on the responsive styles a few times, but the local dev environment was always difficult on my machine, so it was hard to just do the work, and frustratingly I never got very far.
Local servers are a bit laggy for me but work quite well. Yes, I got some info from Martin and Brynn and searched the ML archives, I saw that you proposed two new designs: a modernization of the current one using the full width (made in code) and a mockup of a new design. (Unfortunately I had already started my work for mobile devices.)
I don't know if you did any refactoring along the way, but a few months ago I felt it would be a good idea –
CSS rules for small screens are gathered in a separate file. But indeed I did some refactoring; older rules didn’t really look pretty… And I’m some kind of perfectionist.
is it better to discuss these things here in the mailing list or do you prefer to take it to normal emails?
The best would probably be bug reports. We can probably talk off the list and only share a synthesis.
Launchpad is also an unfamiliar tool for me (used to Github, Bitbucket, Gitlab, etc), so I really should take the time to get used to it (at least just the code/issues/pull requests).
A few tips: * pull requests are called ‘merge requests’ on Launchpad (makes more sense to me); * you have to use Bazaar as VCS (there’s a page on Inkscape.org to introduce it); * the organization is quite logical, but the link you’re looking for is sometimes not as salient as you could expect.
In any case, awesome work guys and girls!
Thanks! -- Sylvain