11 Nov
11 Nov
3:31 p.m.
Hi Jonathan,
I'd recommend to submit what you have on time, then users can benefit from your improvements in 1.3.1. Small improvements are better than no improvements, right?
Am 11.11.23 um 08:19 schrieb Jonathan T:
Hi Maren,
Thanks for the clarification!
Considering that the deadline for submissions is tomorrow, should I submit my po file tomorrow to meet the deadline or should I just hold off and focus on getting those typos fixed?
Kind Regards,
On Sat, 11 Nov 2023 at 01:55, Maren Hachmann <maren@goos-habermann.de mailto:maren@goos-habermann.de> wrote:
Hi Jonathan, Am 10.11.23 um 05:27 schrieb Jonathan T: > Where would be the best place to report issues with strings (such as > typos)? Should I send a list of issues here or is there another place > where I should report issues? - Please report bugs with the program at https://inkscape.org/report <https://inkscape.org/report> . If you want to, you can also fix those issues yourself, the translation file indicates the file / line number where the wrong string can be found in the source code. > Also, I have some specific questions about some of the strings I've > encountered: > 1. From what I can understand, these strings in > /src/extension/internal/png-output.cpp refer to colour modes - I'm not > sure if it's alright to localise these as shown below or whether I > should keep them as-is since these appear to be names of colour modes - > thoughts? > image.png - I think it's okay to localize them. > 2. Regarding these strings in /src/actions/actions-object-align.cpp, the > terms inside the square brackets appear to be parameters - just > confirming that this is indeed the case and that there is no need to > localise those terms? > image.png - Yes, that's correct, please keep those as they are. > 3. I've seen the word "texts" used in a few strings - are these > intentional or grammatical errors? > > For most texts, there is support for exporting as (editable) > TextBlock / Span elements for WPF Canvas mode. Texts are always > converted to path in DrawingGroup mode or when targeting Avalonia. - What this refers to is 'types of text' (1) and 'text objects' (2). > (/share/extensions/other/extension-xaml/inkxaml/svg2xaml.inx) > > Convert texts to paths - Text objects > (/src/extension/internal/emf-inout.cpp and > /src/extension/internal/wmf-inout.cpp) > > This extension allows you to install, update and remove auto-texts > for a JessyInk presentation. Please see code.google.com/p/jessyink <http://code.google.com/p/jessyink> > <http://code.google.com/p/jessyink <http://code.google.com/p/jessyink>> for more details. - I think an auto-text is a special kind of automatically replaceable text. > (/share/extensions/jessyink_autotexts.inx) > > 4. In this string, are the possible anchors and alignments parameters > (and thus is there no need to localise these as well)? > > Enter anchor<space>alignment<space>optional second alignment. > Possible anchors: last, first, biggest, smallest, page, drawing, > selection, pref; possible alignments: left, hcenter, right, top, > vcenter, bottom. - Those in the lists after the colons are parameters. > (/src/actions/actions-object-align.cpp) > > 5. These strings use the past-tense terms "unlocked", "unhid", "locked", > "unlocked" - is this intentional or should they be corrected to > "unlock", "unhide", "lock" and "unlock"? > image.png > (/src/actions/actions-hide-lock.cpp:) - They are for the undo history in the history dialog. So it's intentional. Thanks for asking these questions :) Maren > image.png > (/src/widgets/desktop-widget.cpp) > > Thanks in advance! > > Kind Regards, > > Jonathan > > > On Sat, 4 Nov 2023 at 05:14, Maren Hachmann <maren@goos-habermann.de <mailto:maren@goos-habermann.de> > <mailto:maren@goos-habermann.de <mailto:maren@goos-habermann.de>>> wrote: > > Hello fellow translators, > > last translations for the Inkscape 1.3.1 user interface can still be > submitted until November 12. > > The current plan is to release it on November 18. > > Find the po files here: > > https://gitlab.com/inkscape/inkscape/-/jobs/artifacts/1.3.x/download?job=translations <https://gitlab.com/inkscape/inkscape/-/jobs/artifacts/1.3.x/download?job=translations> <https://gitlab.com/inkscape/inkscape/-/jobs/artifacts/1.3.x/download?job=translations <https://gitlab.com/inkscape/inkscape/-/jobs/artifacts/1.3.x/download?job=translations>> > > And info about what to do with them here: > https://wiki.inkscape.org/wiki/Interface_translation <https://wiki.inkscape.org/wiki/Interface_translation> > <https://wiki.inkscape.org/wiki/Interface_translation <https://wiki.inkscape.org/wiki/Interface_translation>> > > Maren > _______________________________________________ > Inkscape Translators mailing list -- > inkscape-translator@lists.inkscape.org <mailto:inkscape-translator@lists.inkscape.org> > <mailto:inkscape-translator@lists.inkscape.org <mailto:inkscape-translator@lists.inkscape.org>> > To unsubscribe send an email to > inkscape-translator-leave@lists.inkscape.org <mailto:inkscape-translator-leave@lists.inkscape.org> > <mailto:inkscape-translator-leave@lists.inkscape.org <mailto:inkscape-translator-leave@lists.inkscape.org>> > > > _______________________________________________ > Inkscape Translators mailing list -- inkscape-translator@lists.inkscape.org <mailto:inkscape-translator@lists.inkscape.org> > To unsubscribe send an email to inkscape-translator-leave@lists.inkscape.org <mailto:inkscape-translator-leave@lists.inkscape.org> _______________________________________________ Inkscape Translators mailing list -- inkscape-translator@lists.inkscape.org <mailto:inkscape-translator@lists.inkscape.org> To unsubscribe send an email to inkscape-translator-leave@lists.inkscape.org <mailto:inkscape-translator-leave@lists.inkscape.org>
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