29 Oct
29 Oct
8:55 p.m.
You can use "Vrij tekenen" for the Dutch about screen.
Regards Kris
2009/10/29 Marcin Floryan <marcin.floryan@...5...>:
I've tried to write down the previous 0.46 and 0.46dev about screen translated strings:
about.bg.svg -> РИϹУВАЙ ϹВОБОДНО about.br.svg -> Tresit Dinask about.fr.svg -> Dessiner librement about.gl.svg -> Debuxa con liberdade about.it.svg -> Disegna in Libertà about.pt_BR.svg -> Desenhe Livremente about.ru.svg -> Рисуй свободно about.sk.svg -> Kreslite Slobodne about.sl.svg -> Rišite svobodno about.sr@...239... -> Slobodno crtaj about.sr.svg -> Слободно цртай
Please use:
"Rysuj swobodnie" for the Polish version.
Marcin Floryan http://marcin.floryan.pl/