28 Jul
28 Jul
8:44 a.m.
Hello Pawan,
Pawan Chitrakar píše v Pá 28. 07. 2006 v 08:23 +0545:
Dear all,
My name is Pawan Chitrakar and have been working in Gnome Translation project at MPP and our team would like to contribute in translation inkscape.
I would be leading the translation team for nepali
and would be submitting the updates.
be welcome among translators of Inkscape and thanks for your first patch. We are glad that you've joined. I've tested your .po file, found it as "working" and commited to SVN.
Sincerely Josef "cornelius" Vybíral
Josef Vybíral a.k.a. cornelius
Inkscape translators' member
gimp.cz's second editor in chief
web: http://cornelius.gimp.cz
mail: cornelius@...39...
jabber: cornelius@...40...