On Thu, Feb 28, 2019 at 08:42:50PM +0100, MiloType wrote:
@Moini, @bryceharrington
I am subscribed since Jan 12th. But … I sent my introduction mail to the wrong address :-( I simply copied the address from the first line … didn’t bother to read the on. Sorry, my mistake.
Welcome to the Inkscape-translator@lists.sourceforge.net mailto:Inkscape-translator@lists.sourceforge.net mailing list!
To post to this list, send your message to:
inkscape-translator@lists.sourceforge.net mailto:inkscape-translator@lists.sourceforge.net
But on the other hand, it is confusing getting greetings from one email address, but having to respond to another ...
Hi Milo, welcome aboard, and thanks for being persistent!
Sorry for the mailing list confusion. You may be happy to hear we're in process of a major upgrade of our mailing list services. The current system provided by Sourceforge is quite antique. The new system we'll be running ourselves and brings us much more modern tech. If you're curious, a test instance is up at https://lists.inkscape.org; I tear it down and rebuild it regularly so everything there is just temporary but registration and mail send/receive is hooked up and working so feel free to play and see if the new experience will match your expectations.
Glad to have you looking after Croatian translations!
Započni proslijeđenu poruku:
Od: MiloType <mail@...422...> Predmet: Introducing myself Datum: 22. veljače 2019. u 03:15:40 CET Za: inkscape-translator-request@lists.sourceforge.net
Hello, my name is Milo Ivir. I’m an enthusiastic user of free software. Instead of donating money, I decided to translate the software I use. I also report bugs and errors. This way, I hope to help improve free software projects (and make the world a better place ;-)). I have already translated GnuCash, Gramps and some other projects at GitHub.
Other than that, I have a master’s degree in printing technologies, and have worked for over ten years at a renown font-software company. I’m also a typographer and designer.
To make Inkscape available for croatian speaking users, I finished the croatian translation for Inkscape, as well as other necessary files. Now I’d like to also translate the website’s contents.
Anything else?
bilungual: croatian, german (native) multilingual: english, serbian (fluent), some other european langauges (basic) multiscriptual: latin, greek, cyrillic (serbian)
Inkscape-translator mailing list Inkscape-translator@lists.sourceforge.net https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/inkscape-translator