De : ~suv <suv-sf@...32...> On 16/2/08 15:49, ValessioBrito wrote:
'Draw Freely' use font family "Pushkin" is Comercial, see: http://www.myfonts.com/fonts/paratype/pushkin/
On 16/2/08 16:00, ValessioBrito wrote:
suggestion: Domestic Manners (GPL) http://www.dafont.com/search.php?psize=m&q=domestic+manners
On 2/10/09 03:00, Jarosław Foksa wrote:
If I recall correctly the font name is "Pushkin". It appears to be commercial font, so you might consider looking for some alternatives on openfontlibrary.org
On 8/10/09 02:34, Jon A. Cruz wrote:
Found it. I tried to find a free one that had a similar feel and came up with "Excellentia in excelsis" http://www.dafont.com/font.php?file=excellentia_in_exce
I've tried to write down the previous 0.46 and 0.46dev about screen translated strings:
about.bg.svg -> РИϹУВАЙ ϹВОБОДНО about.br.svg -> Tresit Dinask about.fr.svg -> Dessiner librement about.gl.svg -> Debuxa con liberdade about.it.svg -> Disegna in Libertà about.pt_BR.svg -> Desenhe Livremente about.ru.svg -> Рисуй свободно about.sk.svg -> Kreslite Slobodne about.sl.svg -> Rišite svobodno about.sr@...239... -> Slobodno crtaj about.sr.svg -> Слободно цртай
But I've a huge doubt concerning the Bulgarian (all uppercase?), and the Cyrillic Serbian (I can't read the last world, and I've translated it directly from the Latin alphabet. Quite sure it's wrong...).
Neutronenspalter also gave the German translation to the list ("Frei Zeichnen").
Johan, do you have time to create the screens for those languages?
Regards, -- Nicolas