Hi everybody,
firstly, I'd like to thank you for all your translation work that you've put in so we could together create this new major version, Inkscape 1.0 (not published yet at the time of writing).
It's great to see how you're all working on making this piece of vector editing software accessible to many people in the world, who would otherwise have had a really hard time using it, or would miss out on it entirely.
2. -----------
Secondly, if you're reading this from the sourceforge mailing list, please make sure you're also subscribed to the new mailing list (inkscape-translator@lists.inkscape.org). If you're not subscribed there, head to
and subscribe to the new list, please, because the sourceforge one will close by the end of the next week (at least that is Bryce's plan).
If something doesn't work with the subscription, please visit https://inkscape.org/report and ask for assistance.
We don't want to lose you because of some random mailing list bugs!
3. -----------
Thirdly, there's a pair of new news articles for the website, for the 1.0 release.
Please DO NOT CHANGE THEIR PUBLICATION STATUS (they aren't public yet), but please start with getting them translated, if you can.
You will find them in the news overview at
"Introducing Inkscape 1.0" at https://inkscape.org/news/unpublished/1001/
and as
"Roots and Shoots of the Inkscape Project" at https://inkscape.org/news/unpublished/1002/
There are a few (3) things marked in red in the first article. These still need to be filled in when they are available. Please keept the red marker, so even people who do not speak your language can do the replacement.
4. ------------
Fourth(ly?), there is a shortened variant of the release notes attached as HTML. If your language is an official website language, and you want the shortened notes to be available at
then you can send that translated html to the list and I'll see to it being included. Do not worry about the release date being May 1st, that's the day when packagers have been notified of the new code being available for them to make a package.
5. -----------
The fifth item is the front shield on inkscape.org. It has been updated to be more user friendly, allowing direct clicks on the tab fields below the large image, with new icons, and a new title image.
The texts that previously were overlaying the picture have been shortened and are now living in another form field that shows up in the tabs.
You can copy the updated user number for the image authors directly, and do not need to do a search for the name.
Please compare thoroughly to the English version, almost all fields have changed. Many need to be emptied, too. Best open both the English editing form and the one in your language in parallel (but don't save the English one, of course!).
Save the page, but DO NOT PUBLISH YET!
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The sixth possible translatable item is the release notes article itself on the Wiki. It has grown to an incredible length, because of the sheer mass of new and improved features.
There's a new way of translating that available now, so click on 'Translate this page' at the top of the page, centered below the title, to translate, if you want to try it out. Partial translations are okay, too, or translator teams who coordinate for their language.
As they are so long, do not worry if you do not have time to do it all, or to do it now. Only do as much as you like and want to.
For any quick questions, join the chat at https://chat.inkscape.org/channel/team_translation .
Thank you again, Kind Regards Maren