Hi Jonathan,
Am 10.11.23 um 05:27 schrieb Jonathan T:
Where would be the best place to report issues with strings (such as typos)? Should I send a list of issues here or is there another place where I should report issues?
- Please report bugs with the program at https://inkscape.org/report . If you want to, you can also fix those issues yourself, the translation file indicates the file / line number where the wrong string can be found in the source code.
Also, I have some specific questions about some of the strings I've encountered:
- From what I can understand, these strings in
/src/extension/internal/png-output.cpp refer to colour modes - I'm not sure if it's alright to localise these as shown below or whether I should keep them as-is since these appear to be names of colour modes - thoughts? image.png
- I think it's okay to localize them.
- Regarding these strings in /src/actions/actions-object-align.cpp, the
terms inside the square brackets appear to be parameters - just confirming that this is indeed the case and that there is no need to localise those terms? image.png
- Yes, that's correct, please keep those as they are.
- I've seen the word "texts" used in a few strings - are these
intentional or grammatical errors?
For most texts, there is support for exporting as (editable) TextBlock / Span elements for WPF Canvas mode. Texts are always converted to path in DrawingGroup mode or when targeting Avalonia.
- What this refers to is 'types of text' (1) and 'text objects' (2).
Convert texts to paths
- Text objects
(/src/extension/internal/emf-inout.cpp and /src/extension/internal/wmf-inout.cpp)
This extension allows you to install, update and remove auto-texts for a JessyInk presentation. Please see code.google.com/p/jessyink <http://code.google.com/p/jessyink> for more details.
- I think an auto-text is a special kind of automatically replaceable text.
- In this string, are the possible anchors and alignments parameters
(and thus is there no need to localise these as well)?
Enter anchor<space>alignment<space>optional second alignment. Possible anchors: last, first, biggest, smallest, page, drawing, selection, pref; possible alignments: left, hcenter, right, top, vcenter, bottom.
- Those in the lists after the colons are parameters.
- These strings use the past-tense terms "unlocked", "unhid", "locked",
"unlocked" - is this intentional or should they be corrected to "unlock", "unhide", "lock" and "unlock"? image.png (/src/actions/actions-hide-lock.cpp:)
- They are for the undo history in the history dialog. So it's intentional.
Thanks for asking these questions :)
image.png (/src/widgets/desktop-widget.cpp)
Thanks in advance!
Kind Regards,
On Sat, 4 Nov 2023 at 05:14, Maren Hachmann <maren@goos-habermann.de mailto:maren@goos-habermann.de> wrote:
Hello fellow translators, last translations for the Inkscape 1.3.1 user interface can still be submitted until November 12. The current plan is to release it on November 18. Find the po files here: https://gitlab.com/inkscape/inkscape/-/jobs/artifacts/1.3.x/download?job=translations <https://gitlab.com/inkscape/inkscape/-/jobs/artifacts/1.3.x/download?job=translations> And info about what to do with them here: https://wiki.inkscape.org/wiki/Interface_translation <https://wiki.inkscape.org/wiki/Interface_translation> Maren _______________________________________________ Inkscape Translators mailing list -- inkscape-translator@lists.inkscape.org <mailto:inkscape-translator@lists.inkscape.org> To unsubscribe send an email to inkscape-translator-leave@lists.inkscape.org <mailto:inkscape-translator-leave@lists.inkscape.org>
Inkscape Translators mailing list -- inkscape-translator@lists.inkscape.org To unsubscribe send an email to inkscape-translator-leave@lists.inkscape.org