SVN would be the easiest and most handy. In this case you have the pot file and all .po files (you can use other languages as a reference for your own translations) together. And also, everyone knows where to look for the latest pot. :-)
Regards Kris
2009/3/31 Alexandre Prokoudine <alexandre.prokoudine@...5...>:
On Tue, Mar 31, 2009 at 6:17 PM, Marcin Floryan wrote:
Alexandre, if you volunteer to generate the new file manually every week I can easily set-up a little job on my server and provide an up-to-date pot file. I have already been doing some automation of the process for the Polish translations.
Regardless - if I can be of any help - let me know.
Also - do we envisage putting the .pot into SVN - although it is not a big file perhaps it could be uploaded to a website (inkscape?) as in SVN it can always be update from source code.
In fact I was meaning committing a POT fiel to SVN :)