Hi Duarte, and everyone,
Am 03.09.2016 um 03:37 schrieb Duarte Ramos:
I think I might have screwed up now. I was about to translate the Portuguese page, but somehow pressing the banner home link took me back to the English language page without being aware of it. I noticed before publish the changes, but not before pressing the Save button.
In an attempt to undo the damage pressed the "Revert to live" but that seems to have made all content invisible. I hope I haven't screwed up again this time, sorry for the inconvenience. :S
I think by now we can be sure that what you and Sylvain experienced is a bug, not a 'screwing up' on your part.
I've tried fixing using the 'revert' functionality, but there was no change.
Please, everyone, *don't edit the front page* until Martin has had a chance to take a look at the database, so editing the shield plugin can be made safe again.
One other unrelated thing that I noticed is that the message notifications icon at the top right is always flashing and states 87 unread messages, even though I cleared all the notifications and if I visit the Alerts page it reads "No messages or alerts to view"
- That's weird. It's different for me - the unread alerts are on the last page, which is a bit annoying, but the number diminishes correctly, when I mark them as read each individually. Never tried to mark all as read. Maybe I should now... Works for me.
Can you make a bug report for that? It seems Martin will need to take a look at the db, here, too, - please make sure your browser cache is either deactivated or you force reload the page before you create a report, though.
Thanks everyone, and sorry for this editing experience, Kind Regards, Maren