I just found the following bugreport:
"Alt" keycodes used twice in german translation Some (I found 2, but there might be more) key-combinations "alt+<letter>" are assigned to some operation, but actually open the menu that happens to start with the given letter.
The two are "Klon Erzeugen" (Create Clone), assigned to "Alt+D", while Alt+D opens the "Datei" (File) menu, and "Kopie als Bitmap" (Copy as Bitmap), assigned to "Alt+B" that opens the "Bearbeiten" (Edit) menu.
Did you already have to deal with this in your translation? I cannot decide which usage is more important. Alt-D and Alt-B are well-established accelerators in GTK applications. Maybe Inkscape really needs to refrain from using keybindings with Alt as Alan suggests in his comment to the bug.
Cheers, Colin