Shortcuts with Alt already used as accelerators

I just found the following bugreport:
"Alt" keycodes used twice in german translation Some (I found 2, but there might be more) key-combinations "alt+<letter>" are assigned to some operation, but actually open the menu that happens to start with the given letter.
The two are "Klon Erzeugen" (Create Clone), assigned to "Alt+D", while Alt+D opens the "Datei" (File) menu, and "Kopie als Bitmap" (Copy as Bitmap), assigned to "Alt+B" that opens the "Bearbeiten" (Edit) menu.
Did you already have to deal with this in your translation? I cannot decide which usage is more important. Alt-D and Alt-B are well-established accelerators in GTK applications. Maybe Inkscape really needs to refrain from using keybindings with Alt as Alan suggests in his comment to the bug.
Cheers, Colin
participants (1)
Colin Marquardt