some comments on the embedding issue. I once broke an Inkscape document after embedding too many large images. This is why I usually do not use this functionality.
I really wonder if there isn't a smarter way of handling images. HTML/XML and similar "markup-language" files are just not meant to contain binary content, so it does not really make sense to embedd images there.
One possible improvement: When I use an image that is located in the same folder as my svg, it is annoying that inkscape saves an absolute path. I would prefer it if the image was referenced by a relative path, so when I copied both the svg and the image to somewhere else, everything would still work.
In 0.45 there already is an option to save a ZIP-File which contains media and the svg. To me this sounds like a very good solution, which is similar to what Open Office does. Inkscape could use a different file-type instead of ".zip" and make this the default for all documents that contain images.
Unfortunately saving a zip this way is broken in Inkscape 0.45.1 (Bug #168533).
Regards Marc
Nicu Buculei schrieb:
Rob Antonishen wrote:
Even worse than what we have now. I suspect in 99.9% of cases if somebody wants to embed images, he wants to embed them all.
If that is really true (and I would suspect it is) then the program's
Note: he said "in 99.9% of cases if someone want to *embed* images", no *use* images.
default behaviour should be changed to embed all images, and require a user to explicitly select linked images.
Embedded images are Base64 encoded, to the file size grow very fast and you can easily get to something huge. This is why you may want to embed selectively.
As for where the option should be, I think the most elegant would be a check box in the Save As dialog and the option should be remembered and used as default at the next save (of the same or another document).