4 May
4 May
6:23 p.m.
On Wed, May 02, 2007 at 10:21:55AM +0200, Tavmjong Bah wrote:
The L-System I really like this feature. I was just using it to draw the the teeth on a gear.
There is a new Gear effect added to SVN. It will work with Inkscape 0.45.1 (and maybe earlier versions). You can get it from SVN or from my book's website:
Gears works in 0.44 as well, BTW.
Has anyone documented what it would take to convert extensions like this into editable parametric shapes like Stars or Spirals? Being able to edit the parameters with a realtime display of the result would be very nice, and being able to do this via extensions instead of having to build it into the core would be nicer still.