7 Jan
7 Jan
10:33 a.m.
Probably fairly easy: https://github.com/Florianjw/NiceCharts should be included in 0.93
On 01/07/2017 09:57 AM, Pierre Massat wrote:
> Dear all,
> I know I should be sending this to the dev list, but I'm not a member
> and I'm feeling lazy.
> In Illustrator there's a tool to import data in a spreadsheet, and
> create basic charts from that. It's very handy for people who do
> data-visualization.
> I would think that Inkscape is just as good as Illustrator for tweaking
> existing svg charts (colors, text, layout, etc.). But due to the lack of
> this tool Inkscape currently requires an extra step to create the charts
> with another application (e.g. the R project for statistical computing).
> I looked at tutorials to create extensions. I think that the logic could
> be quite easily implemented (i.e. calculating scales, displaying the
> shapes). But there doesn't seem to be a spreadsheet widget for the UI,
> which makes it a no-go if users can't input a few simple numbers manually.
> Any idea how difficult it would be to create this extension ?
> Cheers,
> Pierre.
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