Forwarding this from the ubuntu-announce list since they speficically mention inkscape and people on this list probably have mastered a bit of the inkscape-fu.
---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Jeff Waugh <jeff.waugh@...535...> Date: Thu, 17 Mar 2005 03:26:10 +1100 Subject: Next Release Codename + Mascot Competition To: Ubuntu Announce <ubuntu-announce@...536...>
Good morning freedom lovers!
Today I'm very pleased to announce the codename for the next Ubuntu release, due in October 2005... It will be known as Ubuntu 5.10, the Breezy Badger!
Ah, the SABDFL gives us another quizzical name to figure out... What could it mean this time? Warty Warthog was meant to be a bit warty, being our first release - but out turned out to be wonderful! Hoary Hedgehog is the wiser, more mature Ubuntu, being our second release. But "breezy"? Will the next release be... windy? Hmm...
Using the handy dictionary in my Ubuntu menus, I found out that breezy also means "fresh, brisk and full of life". Is this what the SABDFL intended? I do not know, for he is ever mysterious... but it sounds very much like the Ubuntu we know and love!
* Fresh - with supported releases every six months, Ubuntu gives you the latest and greatest of the Open Source world, tested and tamed by the Ubuntu development team... and it's so easy to upgrade!
* Brisk - whether you're looking for a zippy desktop or a supercharged server, Ubuntu is swift and sturdy. With a brand new LiveCD on every architecture, or our simple and speedy installer, Ubuntu is ready for action... fast!
* Full of life - the Ubuntu community has blossomed in the six months since our first public release, with users and developers participating in our mailing lists, forums, wikis, local community teams, package maintenance, and international commercial support through our Ubuntu Marketplace. Over 10,000 users have registered to participate on the forums alone! It's an incredible community to be part of - get involved today!
Breezy Badger - fresh, brisk and full of life!
The Ubuntu developer team will begin work on Breezy Badger in April, driving towards its final release in October 2005. In the mean time, look forward to the final release of Ubuntu 5.04 - the Hoary Hedgehog - in very early April.
Mascot Competition ------------------
Have you mastered the art of Inkscape-fu? We're looking for a Breezy Badger developer mascot, and great artists to show us who the Breezy Badger really is! Here's the vital details:
* Submissions should be scalable vector illustrations, in SVG format.
* The Breezy Badger is an extremely rare South American breed, not a friend of colder climates. ;-) Obviously, submissions should depict a badger!
* Please send submissions or questions to <jeff.waugh@...535...>.
* Competition closes on Monday, April 25th - the first day of Ubuntu Down Under http://www.ubuntu.com/wiki/UbuntuDownUnder.
* A winner will be announced on Saturday, April 30th - the last day of Ubuntu Down Under.
The winning mascot will appear in the Breezy Badger development artwork, to cheer on Ubuntu developers and testers over the next six months... and may even sneak into the final Breezy Badger release... somewhere. ;-)
Rock and roll!
- Jeff
-- UbuntuDownUnder: April 25th-30th http://www.ubuntu.com/
"It's not sufficient to 'use simple words to explain things'. Things must actually *be* simple, which is much harder." - Martin Pool
-- ubuntu-announce mailing list ubuntu-announce@...536... http://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-announce