frank gaude' wrote:
I see in the Help file 'tips' that blur drop shadows are not yet implemented. But that I should read the [[usr]/share/extensions/inkscape-shadow.README file.
To have proper drop shadows, Inkscape should support SVG filters: http://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=863380&grou...
IIRC, the plan for the future is to use Cairo as the renderer for Inkscape, which will bring display for filters. Only after that will be implemented a method for creating filters.
There is not such file that I can find in the Linux file tree.
I have here the a CVS version installed with Autopackage and it has the script inkscape-shadow.sh in /usr/share/inkscape/extensions/
I do see .sh files and a svg_dropshadow script. Can anyone tell be how to do blurred drop shadows in Inkscape now, in version .41?
The current method (used by inkscape-shadow.sh) is to generate a black bitmap copy of the image and blur it, using ImageMagik - the content of the script is just one line:
convert -mattecolor "#000f" -frame $((${2} * 3))x$((${2} * 3)) -fx '0' -channel A -blur $((${2} * 3))x${2} $1 $1
I'm new to Inkscape and Scribus, coming from InDesign CS and Paint Shop Pro 9. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.