I don't know the answer to the part about the export size.
But for converting text to path, that will be very important for text, if the text file will be either on the internet, or need to be opened by other people on other computers. That's because, unless you use very, very common fonts, they might not display as you intend, if the people viewing the file don't happen to have the font installed. Once text is converted to paths, everyone can see it as you intend.
I don't think there would be any difference whether you convert to path before or after saving as PDF.
Actually, I just had a look at the Save As PDF dialog, which I haven't used lately. If you specify the export area as page, it should only use what's inside the page border. If you have turned off the page border, you may want to turn it on, to make sure everything is inside, before saving as PDF.
HTH, brynn
From: ⒶRTHUR HENRY LILLIOTT Sent: Monday, August 18, 2014 2:11 PM To: inkscape-user@lists.sourceforge.net Subject: [Inkscape-user] exporting pdf files: request for assistance
dear inkscape users,
can someone please help me with exporting pdf files:
i am trying to save pdf files of isolated text within a larger file. i isolate the text on the page and specify the export-area-is-page. but it appears that a larger file still creates a larger pdf file, regardless if i specify export-area-is-page or not. is this correct? i am trying to create pdf with minimum size, so this is relatively important. and the object id doesn't really work for these pdf's. so my question is: does the pdf take into account, or include the size of the whole file, when creating a single pdf file? and lastly, is there a difference to converting to paths, before or after exporting a pdf file?
thank you for taking the time to read and reply to this email. your assistance is much appreciated. regards,