On Tue, 7 Mar 2006 11:21:45 -0800 Bryce Harrington <bryce@...983...> wrote:
On Tue, Mar 07, 2006 at 06:59:44PM +0000, Abrolag wrote:
On Mon, 30 Jan 2006 20:54:32 +0000 Abrolag <abrolag@...16...> wrote:
On Sun, 29 Jan 2006 20:37:56 -0800 Bryce Harrington <bryce@...983...> wrote:
Hi Abrolag,
Out of curiousity, could you post an example of your inkscape-created electronics schematics?
Thanks, Bryce
Hmmm. I have to be a bit careful here as all the stuff I'm producing these days is for my employer, so he has the copyright. I will see if he will agree to me putting up incomplete or unidentifiable drawings.
OK, I have permission to put up part of one project. Should I just send an email to the list with the drawings as ordinary attachments?
If you can post them to a website, that'd be even better. There's a gallery area on the Inkscape Wiki where you can link to them, too.
I've put them on www.folderol.ukfsn.org/inkscape.shtml
I haven't linked them to the Wiki as I don't intend to leave them there permanently.
One minor problem I've had with such drawings is snapping to grid with small or irregular shaped objects. It seems that Inkscape will snap to left, right, top, bottom or centre. My way around this, which is most obviously shown in Speed_07.svg is to create an invisible box (zero width path, no path or fill colour) that fits exactly to the grid size I am using, then group this with the 'component' it surrounds. This means I can quickly and accurately position it.