thanks for your reply, I am going to try and master using the fill tool,
I think I found a workaround for my problem what I did was create a sublayer to the area that I wanted to color and then use the caligraphy tool as my "paint brush" it works great because it keeps the color under the vector lines and that way it still remains crisp and clear even though some of the colored lines touch the vector lines above.
microUgly wrote:
chacmool wrote:
I have created a drawing of a dragon that consists obviously of multiple line odd shapes etc. What is the best tool to use to fill the spaces that I want with color? I am asking about a similar tool to a paint brush for example which is found in Adobe Illustrator.
Look at that, I didn't even know that feature was in Illustrator. Ok, you can do the same in Inkscape if you use the latest development version (http://www.inkscape.org/download/?lang=en). You can see an example of the tool in use here - http://www.inkscape.org/screenshots/index.php?lang=en