microUgly wrote:
Opera have some nice SVG tutorial for web stuff, but none deal directly with Inkscape - http://dev.opera.com/articles/svg/
http://dev.opera.com/articles/view/playing-svg-darts-target-practice/ in the last paragraph he speaks of Inkscape that he used to sonvert strokes to path.
Also, he doesn't seem to enjoy that Inkscape rewrites parts of the code: "I love Inkscape, but i don't like that it changes SVG that I didn't call any actions on into code that is quite different of which the rendering is sometimes not the same, though very, very similar."
By the way, Opera's native support of SVG is by far the best among browsers. For example http://devfiles.myopera.com/articles/76/SolarSystem1.svg doesn't move in Firefox or in Safari (on WinXP). I therefore test SVG rendering in Opera in the first place. Firefox 3 (Gecko 1.9) should bring a better and more complete support of SVG 1.1, But I know nothing about Apple's plans about Safari and SVG...