maren@...3112... schrieb:
Guten Morgen Maren,
after seeing the screenshot, I think we can be sure it wasn't the GTK theme after all... - sorry for the detour!
No reason at all to say sorry :)
Something else: Could you recommend this book in german language?
Inkscape. Von Uwe Schöler. ISBN-13: 978-3446438651
I don't know which Inkscape version the book by Uwe Schöler refers to, probably to 0.48.x.
I sent a mail to the publisher to ask for.
0.91 doesn't differ a lot from 0.48 in the basic functionality, but many new features have been added. If you want to mainly learn the basics and standard techniques, it probably won't matter that it's not current (I never saw any book for 0.91 in German - or any other language).
When I buy a book, than it should refer to a current version.
While you don't have a book yet, you can also start with a tutorial that follows one of my workshops ;) : http://vektorrascheln.de/posts/2015/Dec/inkscape-fuer-einsteiger-teil-i-grun... and http://vektorrascheln.de/posts/2015/Dec/inkscape-fuer-einsteiger-teil-ii-pra...
Thanks. Looks nice for some me as an absolute beginner.
In general I prefer a good book to learn a new technique like that we talk about.
Can you recommend a nice web forum about Inkscape in german language?
On https://inkscape.org/de/community/ two forum are mentioned:
http://www.open-draw-community.de/ (domain to sale)
For the first, I like to know, how I have to configure Inkscape to produce very consise code, free of all ids, attributes, elements, meta elements, which are not really needed. Like the output of a cleaning tool like https://jakearchibald.github.io/svgomg/
Especially I'm interested in code, which contains the basic shapes (https://www.w3.org/TR/2003/REC-SVG11-20030114/shapes.html) when you enter them via toolbar via the GUI.