Stephane Eybert wrote:
Okay. Then how to get these fonts into inkscape..?
They must be bought somewhere and install..?
Isn't there any font in inkscape that is present by default in pdf..?
----- Ursprungligt meddelande ---- Från: Mr. Shawn H. Corey <shawnhcorey@...1487...> Till: Inkscape User Community inkscape-user@lists.sourceforge.net Skickat: lördag 19 april 2008 2:02:05 Ämne: Re: [Inkscape-user] Saving as PDF creates a very large file
On Fri, 2008-04-18 at 23:24 +0000, Stephane Eybert wrote:
I cannot see these fonts in my inkscape.
Times-Roman Helvetica Courier Symbol Times-Bold Helvetica-Bold Courier-Bold ZapfDingbats Times-Italic Helvetica-Oblique Courier-Oblique Times-BoldItalic Helvetica-BoldOblique Courier-BoldOblique
There are lots of fonts but not these above.
Sorry, these are the standard fonts that are available in PDF. That is a flaw in Inkscape: if they have an export as PDF, then they should also have the PDF standard fonts available.
The cairo PDF exporter in Inkscape 0.46 does not support creating PDF files that uses, but does not embed, the 14 standard PostScript fonts. Cairo subsets the fonts it embeds so the embedded fonts do not take up much space. The standard fonts feature has been deprecated since PDF 1.5 and it is now recommended that all fonts used in the PDF are embdeded.
If you are having problems with large PDF files sizes I recommend ensuring that Inkscape is using version 1.6 or later of cairo and the "Convert text to paths" option is not set.