On Sat 28 Jul 2018 18:35 +0100, C R wrote:
Yes. See here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/gpxcn1gwrbejh36/thanks_andrew.png?dl=1
This is the best "thank you" I've ever had. I'm tickled pink!
After having used it, here are some things I'd tweak a bit:
- In your help file, it would be helpful to indicate where the
extension shows up. In this case, Extensions > Examples > Blobs texture
Agree. By "help file" you mean the stuff that you see on the web page for /blobs/, below the picture? Or blobs.txt?
- I'd actually add it to the "Render" submenu instead, since that's
what it's doing- rendering blobs. :)
Well . . . The problem is that /render/ already has a meaning in computer graphics (transform from vector to raster). It bugs me to see it misused.
Looking at the existing categories, none seems right. I could create a new one . . . either very broad (Draw), or medium (Create or Create Objects or New Objects), or narrow (Texture)
Does any of those appeal to you?
- Increase "How many blobs?" Max to 2k instead of 256, and change
wording to "Number of blobs"
OK, can do.
- Combine all the blobs into one path instead of individual objects
(this will significantly speed up moving the results around, and prevent having to pick blobs individually out of stuff. :)
This one seems funny to me. You can merge them yourself (Path -> Combine or maybe Objects -> Group)
And, I didn't understand the last bit. What were you doing that you had to pick them out of other stuff (that being part of a single path would fix)?
- Keep in mind the default size of the Inkscape canvas is A4 in mm
units. I recommend these defaults: # of blobs: 256, work area 200x200, size of blob 0.3
Well . . . This assumes that everyone wants many small blobs. I didn't when I wrote it. I wanted a few big blobs.
In fact, if its primary use is for grit, I'd write another extension, not paying so much attention to individual blobs, but concentrating on how they're scattered across the page (even spacing? no collisions? varying size?)
I'd also like to say that I really like this extension and can see myself using it to create a worn text look and grit in future projects. Thanks for the work!
You're very welcome. Could you send me an SVG version of thanks_andrew? Maybe I'll make a poster out of it!
On Sat, Jul 28, 2018 at 2:37 PM, Andrew Kurn <kurn@...3346...> wrote:
Sorry. Here it is: https://inkscape.org/en/~kurn/%E2%98%85blobs
found via: https://inkscape.org/en/gallery/=extension/?order=-edited
On Fri 27 Jul 2018 20:50 +0100, C R wrote:
On Fri, Jul 27, 2018 at 6:54 AM, Andrew Kurn <kurn@...3346...> wrote:
This is to announce a new extension. It generates random blobs in a rectangle for use in a texture.
There are controls for the roundness, sharpness, branchiness, number of blobs, and size.
Hope you like it.
If you can think of more controls to add, drop me a line.