Sorry for my poor English.
Don't worry. With patience, we get there.
I agree with the others that this does not look like the bug which Maren referenced.
Unfortunately, my best strength with Inkscape is drawing using canvas controls. I don't have much technical understanding about how Inkscape actually works, or how it's packaged.
However, I read forums. And from your screenshot (good job getting it!) this *somewhat* resembles problems we've seen when someone uses an unusual screen resolution or orientation, or screen magnifier, or other assistive or accessibility options. Or dual or multiple monitor setup. Once I saw a similar problem where someone has set the text to be huge, to compensate for visual issue. Any kind of uncommon display options or programs installed that change the global display? Or if you've ever used something like that, but reverted, maybe there's an option you forgot to switch back?
It doesn't look typical for that, but somewhat. Does that ring any bells?
Well, that's a long shot, but I thought worth a mention. The others, alvinpenner and Maren will be more help from here. But if there's any other way I can help, just ask :-)
Good Luck, brynn
-------------------------------------------------- From: "Andreas Borutta" <borumat@...26...> Sent: Tuesday, February 23, 2016 6:23 AM To: Subject: Re: [Inkscape-user] Windows 10: Menu commands of Inkscape do notappear
Brynn wrote:
Thanks for your time, Brynn. Very nice, that you try to help me.
I'm not sure this sounds like the same bug. In my experience, the problem only occurs with the menu item where the mouse is hovering -- because the highlighting makes the text color too close to the background color.
Andreas, did you ever change the theme?
I don't think so. May be I choosed one, during the installation of Windows 10. But I didn't downloaded any theme or created an own one.
I only still have Windows 7, so my instructions might not be quite right. But let's try.
Go to Control Panel > Personalization (or in case Windows 10 is different, try looking for Control Panel > Display and look for some way to change the theme)
My theme is the standard theme "Windows 10" as you can see in my screenshot:
When I change to the two other existing standard themes, it has no effect for the described problem.
Even if I change to the theme "High Kontrast" (it is not visible in the screenshot), which seems to be useful for people with an eye disease, nothing changes in Inkscape.
It's themes which use a lot of transparency (generally called "Aero themes") where this problem occurs. If you switch to the Basic or Windows Classic theme, the problem should be fixed, if this is the same bug.
I have used these types of customization.
Of course I can try that to find out, if that is really the cause.
But I have no theme called "classic" or "non aero" as you can see in my screenshot.
Which option should I change please?
By the way, I guess you haven't seen any problems like this, with other programs?
That's true. I've never seen such a problem in any other program.
Sorry for my poor English.
Kind regards, Andreas
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