heathenex inkscape-user-bounces@lists.sourceforge.net schrieb am 08.06.2007 15:49:36:
This is a really interesting post. I was just doing something like this two days ago.
I am in the same boat. I have Autodesk Inventor instead of SolidWorks though. I had a logo that was sent to me in dxf format. After struggling a bit with Inkscape I gave in and fired up Adobe Illustrator. I am not proficient with Illustrator but I use it on occasion because our advertising agency sends me stuff designed in it. With Illustrator I was able to just open the dxf and then save it out as svg.
Inkscape opened this svg file up wonderfully. Also,
Illustrator cut up the svg file into many vectors.
Its not Illustrator cutting the file up into many objects. Its the nature of a dxf being exported from a CAD tool. Inkscape can handle those dxf2svg illustrator-files as long as the number of cut up objects within this file are small. (In your case it was just a logo. In mine its complex maschinery) Inkscape starts crashing with 1000 objects or more. This are the typ of dxf-files I´m using. While illustrator runs smoothly no matter how big those dxfs are.
This is why I´m completely stuck with illustrator in my case.