Hi Friends, I was just answering a forum question about creating a clockface, and I used the Polar Coordinates dialog. I found that if I draw a circle, then type out the numbers, then choose Object's Rotational Center and First Circle (or 2nd), then select all, then click Arrange, all the numbers are placed at 3 o'clock. I found that if I move the circle before clicking arrange, it makes the feature function properly. Should I make a bug report? Or is this already a known issue? I searched LP without finding any similar report. But often I might not know the proper terminology (and recently I found the wiki was being used for bug reports (for gradient mesh)) so I just ask before I make a bug report, just in case. I'm on Windows 7 Pro, 64-bit, Inkscape 0.92, 64-bit. Another issue, which is a little bit nit-picky, but still important, imo. For some time, I couldn't figure out what object was being referred to in "Object's bounding box" and "Object's rotational center". Is it the object I am drawing (such as a clock face)? It can't mean the circle, because further below in the dialog, it says "circle" (and if it meant circle, it would have said 'Circle's rotational center'). But after a lot of clicking around and trial and error, it seems it refers to the numbers on the clock face example. If that's the case, it should be "Objects' bounding box" and "Objects' rotational center". If they had been properly written, I would have understood at once that the objects in question are the numbers (or whatever objects are being arranged around the circle). Should I make a bug report about that?
Thanks for your help :-) brynn