10 Sep
10 Sep
1:16 p.m.
In message: <54103C67.805@...2842...> Lars Behrens <Lars.Behrens@...2842...> writes:
Am 10.09.2014 um 13:39 schrieb SAITOU Toshihide:
Hmm. I move it close to the node but stick to the grid...
Did you also switch on "snap to corner nodes" and "snap to smooth nodes" and switch off "snap to grid"?
Ah! I have googled `snap to corner nodes' and I find my inkscape doesn't have `snap to nodes' setting and there is a related setting at the Preference Snapping section. With this setting the node appears when mouse is close to the node. The attraction of node is too weak but I can move to closest to the node.
Thank you so much.
SAITOU Toshihide