Benjamin Esham schrieb:
I am trying to align five paths so that the center of each is located on a vertex of a regular pentagon (or, equivalently, the point of a five-pointed star). The paths are all different sizes. Does anyone know of a way to do this?
I guess you need it to be 100% exact. You could do this with a script.
If you can live with a little bit of error, you can align the paths to a cross (just two perpendicular lines which are centered on each other). Now you can select the path and the cross and move this until the center of the cross is where you want it to be (the cross just gives you visual feedback where the center of the path is). Delete the cross afterwards and you're done.
If you need to find the center of a vertex, just school geometry: Align two circles to the endpoints (they must be large enough to intersect), connect the intersection points with a line and you'll have the center.
Not really 100% perfect but usually good enough.
Another solution might be to draw these parts in a CAD program which can do this and export in a format that Inkscape can read.