I'm not sure If I can REPLY ALL or just REPLY to this email letter. I mean, If I'm getting these email letters, wouldn't it be easier to just reply to them rather than sign-in to some web-page? Please accept that request as feedback. I'm uncertain If I can interact this way with other Inkscape users. In any case, please allow me this method of reaching you, It's easier & quicker.
I'm running Windows 10 Home 64bit - I'm also running 32 bit Inkscape 0.91 I was instructed to use this version of Inkscape due to an undesired glitch in Inkscape 64 bit. Any way, let me move on with my current issue.
I recently installed new fonts from 1001fonts.com, fontmeme.com, & fontspace.com. Some fonts are Open Type Font files (otf) & some are True Type font files (ttf). Should this make a difference inside Inkscape? Any way, let me move forward with my issue.
When I try to type in "Create & Edit Text Objects" mode - What seems to work by "default" is sans serif. I would type everything I need in sans serif then choose a different type font. If I try typing from the get-go using one of my newly installed fonts, Inkscape gives me an assertion failure & closes. Are you aware of this issue? What seems to be the problem? Is Inkscape suppose to work that way?
Here are my newly installed fonts.
Kentucky Fried Chicken Kentucky Fried Chicken
Ferro Rosso Ferro Rosso
Groundnut Groundnut
Yahoo! Yahoo!
African African
Jurassic Park Jurassic Park Oreos Oreos
Simpsonfont Simpsonfont
WillyWonka WillyWonka
Tribeca Tribeca
HotPizza hotpizza
I thought it would be best to report this issue. Please note, no further reporting on this issue will be done by myself. PLEASE forward this report to the proper email address or department for consideration. Thank you.
Artie - An Inkscape User.
On 2/27/2016 12:01 PM, Arlo Barnes wrote:
A while back, somebody asked if it was possible to edit live in a way that visualised the 'truncate numbers to [X] digits' option in Scour - for example, only certain B`ezier shapes would be allowed, the position and size of objects would change in steps, the size of which would relate to the unit used and the number of digits allowed. I do not remember the answer, though. -Arlo James Barnes
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