I'm taking it these are for windows users? is there a mac version yet? OR.......how do I get the code to try to compile a mac one (I put it like this as I've never compiled code before so have no idea what to do or how to do it LOL)
I'm asking about the mac version as inkscape 0.47 will still throw up python problem if you use something like extensions >generate from path
I know these work ok in the windows version but it's a pain to have to swap to windows to do something that should take a minute at most, or to have to design in windows then go to the mac to use the file as I intended from the begining.
On 18 June 2010 04:19, Ted Gould <ted@...10...> wrote:
I pleased to announce the tarballs representing the 0.48pre1 release of Inkscape. This is one of the final stops on the rapid road to release. Please look at this release to see if there are any show stopper issues for the 0.48 release.