On Sun, 2016-02-28 at 01:12 +0100, Andreas Borutta wrote:
Maren Hachmann wrote:
Inkscape 0.91 does create circle elements if you hold down Ctrl while creating one.
I tried that in my 0.91 for Windows. Without success. When I move the mouse pointer, still an ellipsis is possible. May be I missunderstand, what you mean.
Holding down the CTRL key will restrict the height/width ratios to integer values or the Golden ratio. If the ratio is close to one, a circle will be created.
Note, that one can convert an ellipse to a circle or a circle to an ellipse (or circle to a path). When doing so, the 'id' attribute will not change. So if an ellipse is create first and the converted to a circle, the SVG element type changes but the 'id' will still be 'ellipse#####'.
Inkscape does render 'line' and 'polyline' elements. You can change their properties (stroke color, stroke width, etc.) but there is no interface (other than the XML editor) for editing the points. The original authors of Inkscape probably did not see a need to provide editing capabilities as the path element can do everything these can with as compact a syntax (for paths: d="m 50,50 100,50 ..." is actually shorter than for polylines: points="50,50 100,50 ..." once you add in the attribute name).
Kind regards, Andreas