5 Nov
5 Nov
3:14 a.m.
On 10/31/05, Karol Krenski <pldmimooh@...954...> wrote:
Hello list,
Would it make sens to include text scale information via Edit->Paste Style? I am talking about XML editor attribute: transform scale(X,Y)
By default, scale component of transform for text is optimized into the font size of the text, and therefore becomes part of its style that can be copy/pasted. This does not work only if you have an old version of Inkscape (before 0.41 I think) or if you switched "Store transforms" in prefs from "optimize" to "preserve".
So the answer to your question is: Yes, it's already done this way, though you can switch it off if you prefer.
-- bulia byak Inkscape. Draw Freely. http://www.inkscape.org