Hi Maarten!
On 17/10/2007, Maarten van der Velde <Maarten.van-der-Velde@...2171...> wrote:
This is one of my many "sorry I can't realy help, BUT..." answers:
I don't know if I understand you right, but aren't the a LOT of localised LINUX (-LiveCD) Distro's out there? Even for excusez-le-mot, "ridiculous" small language-communities? I'd say: have a look around among all the Ubuntu releases and pick a small language, and see if they have all the nice fonts WE have.
Great idea! :-)
I remember reading an article about a small, Boudhist, east-asian state (200.000 citizens, or so?) where the gouverment changed to Linux because Microsoft couldn't provide them with a localised version of ther OS. They have their own alphatet. Anybody else remembers this? They had a Tux in orange munk's robe as mascotte.
Are you willing to share some nice fonts with us ^ ^ ?
I've just started the MA Typeface Design programme at the University of Reading, so I'll be getting a lot of coaching from proprietary designers, and will be committing a year of time and energy into a major font project alone, since its a difficult question of how to assess student work that is public-collaborative. Maybe some clever svn and fontdiff tools could sort that out, but I'm not a programmer (yet..) - but still, I'll be publishing all my work-in-progress as free software, for sure :-)