18 Jan
18 Jan
6:52 p.m.
On Saturday, January 16, 2010, 10:32:16 PM, knowone wrote:
k> I have created a graphic with multiple layers. One of the layers is some k> text. I have applied a drop shadow filter to the text. When I save the file k> as PNG, the drop shadow is not saved. I have also tried applying a gaussian k> blur to the text layer and to the text layer after converting it to an k> object. The blur is not applied.
k> How can I save the file as PNG with the drop shadow intact?
Make sure you are exporting as PNG. Do not 'Save As' Cairo PNG.
(I came across this a couple of days ago, and the symptom was that blur filters were not being applied. Also, the pixel dimensions of the two methods differ, if the graphic bleeds over the edge of the 'page').
Chris Lilley mailto:chris@...214...
Technical Director, Interaction Domain
W3C Graphics Activity Lead
Co-Chair, W3C Hypertext CG