First of all, thank you for the strictness of your report, maybe i was unhappy when i've read for the first time but this is exactly what i need now. I will try to answer to the many issues you remarked:
- an entire row of buttons at the top is aligned incorrectly (I use a
beta of Firefox 3), see: http://nicubunu.ro/pictures/inkscape_gallery.png
Wow, you're the second, i didn't test with firefox 3 and IMHO, it doesn't matter. This is a beta and it doesn't make sense to me working with a beta software to develop something. So, please use FF2, opera, konqueror or whatever you want that is a stable release and then inform me about layout issues (i didn't mention IE...and you know why). Hope you're not gonna find issues, obviously...
- in the same place, you may consider displaying the license explanation
in a tooltip or pop-up, now a lot of space is wasted;
Do you think that is wasted? I mean, many people not even know exactly what a license is, i wanted to explain in depth every CC attribute and these needed space, but i think it is useful "space".
- the file selector is titled "images" this is confusing: I upload one
image and then it says "If a new image is chosen, the current image will be replaced upon submitting the form", so I can upload an image or more images?
Yes, this is true i'll try to change. What happened is that i fixed the problem of "multiple values" of the image field a few days ago, i didn't notice this inchoerence and i'll try to fix. This is really a subtlety but i want to take care likewise.
- I tried to upload a SVG, it allowed me to do so but the result wasn't
usable so I had to delete it and replace with a PNG, consider allowing to upload a SVG and a PNG preview (if you can't create the preview on the fly);
Ok, this is another issue. Inkscape gallery supports bitmap and not svg (i had to say browsers, not inkscape gallery...). I didn't pretend to give full svg support to a web site that is not completely possible actually. So you have to export images and then upload to inkscape gallery. I know that others, like deviant art, provide svg support, but i know that is still incomplete and stumbling. I preferred not to fight with this, but giving a good way to show exported drawing. What i mean is that i plan to give the chance to upload the svg, maybe as an attachment if we think this to be useful. This is a poll, answer me...
- small typo on the same page: "then cick to upload";
Good, i will fix this
- why limit images to 600x600 px? we may want to put wallpapers there;
Why?Cause this was what the layout tolerated, and because we pay a "standard" hosting, we can't use web space freely, but i will see what happens, if (i'm working to have this...) many of inkscape's users will post their work and their speeches on inkscape gallery i'll consider to provide a "special" account (not the same in flickr, you won't pay) to let you post bigger images. I know this is not completely true, you may post big images in inkscape gallery even now, you just won't see the image in the original size...but i'm trusting in the user's good sense and then i will consider upgrading. This is a good point, why not opening a topic in the forum about that?
- no screenshot for this, but I also have a display error for the footer
icons (CC, Drupal, nois3lab), they overlap the text.
Do you mean with firefox 3? If not tell me exactly software and version, please
I don't know how to thank you for this, i think we can move this speeches on the web-site, i created forums for this purpose too. I know that some of you created account on inskcape gallery and i'm happy but... what are the others waiting for? I renew my invitation, this is the only self publishing software online expecially made for inkscape's users and i really hope to see this community's growth cause inkscape is great and free-software is the only way to share what is still good in this world. Thank you so much, really. Go and spread your vector graphic on inkscape gallery!!
Da. http://www.inskcapegallery.net http://test.inkscapegallery.net
Nicu Buculei ha scritto:
davide|inkscapegallery wrote:
I will certanly announce the official release here, but i'm asking to the community to start using it, to test it, debug it and give us some feedback. It is a big project and i hope it will fit the needs of the inkscape's community but i need you to make your own part to make it good as inkscape deserves. Every web-site needs some debug work and time and this is a rich web-site so, even if i'm tired after a month of hard working on it, i still have to do this and i can't without your help.
I registered to the website, uploaded one graphic so far and found the following problems:
- an entire row of buttons at the top is aligned incorrectly (I use a
beta of Firefox 3), see: http://nicubunu.ro/pictures/inkscape_gallery.png
- in the upload form, you use checkboxes for license, it should be radio
buttons, for example why would I choose both PD and another license?
- in the same place, you may consider displaying the license explanation
in a tooltip or pop-up, now a lot of space is wasted;
- the file selector is titled "images" this is confusing: I upload one
image and then it says "If a new image is chosen, the current image will be replaced upon submitting the form", so I can upload an image or more images?
- I tried to upload a SVG, it allowed me to do so but the result wasn't
usable so I had to delete it and replace with a PNG, consider allowing to upload a SVG and a PNG preview (if you can't create the preview on the fly);
- small typo on the same page: "then cick to upload";
- why limit images to 600x600 px? we may want to put wallpapers there;
- no screenshot for this, but I also have a display error for the footer
icons (CC, Drupal, nois3lab), they overlap the text.