On Tue, 22 Jul 2014 13:11:35 +0200 Florian Lindner <mailinglists@...3086...> wrote:
I try to translate the Inkscape labels back to English from German, therefore they may not be exactly the same.
In Inkscape there are object connectors (Objektverbinder) which can snap to another objects border. Can I set these connectors to stay snapped to the object, even when the object is being moved?
Thanks a lot, Florian
On every Inkscape I've used, the lines between boxes, which I assume is what you mean by object connectors, have always moved when a box at either end of them was moved. If you're not getting that behavior, check that they're really locked on. You drag an end to a box, cruise along its border til the box turns a different color, and then you know that end is locked to the border of that box.
You can also lock a connector to the center of a box, and for whatever reason, that's a lot easier.
Steve Litt * http://www.troubleshooters.com/ Troubleshooting Training * Human Performance