I am trying to get a tight bounding box around a single exclamation mark input as text at large font size, selected, converted from text to path, and saved as a PDF, from within Inkscape.
I have used
Path-> Object to path
File -> Document properties -> Page -> Fit page to selection
and exported as PDF.
There seems to be a margin beyond the object at the bottom, and the top of the object is cut off, possibly by the same amount. This is seen when viewing the exported PDF at 6400% in Acroread.
The dotted box that appears in Inkscape when the object is selected appears perfect. The settings for snapping to grid/object/path have been toggled with no change in behaviour of the exported file.
I can post PDFs illustrating this if told where to post them.
Is this a bug, and if so, is there a workaround?
Chandra 30 Apr 07