Dear all,
Jasper van de Gronde wrote:
On 21-06-11 18:54, A. da Mek wrote:
(BTW, the the length of the path data would be better minimized were the coordinates smartly rounded instead of such values as -113.000006 or -12.99999)
Especially the -113.000006 has me worried a bit, is it from an actual path?
First, sorry for not responding sooner, I must have forgotten my deilvery to digest mode (so I only saw all your messages in a batch). Thanks for all the answers, it seems that both issues are important: - no matter if I change the path with the mouse or with the keys, the XML still gets relative and absolute coordinates - indeed, many times I get values like "113.000006" (in which case I am manually editing my path -- counterproductive) or perhaps even more confusing values such as "4.35838e-5"... which is practically equal to zero.
Setting the numerical precision to 4 seems to have solved the second (will keep you posted if otherwise), but the first I think remains a mistery for me. As specified before, relative coordinates almost always produce a shorter string than absolute coordinates, and I would be grateful if this could be solved.
Forgot to mention that I use Inkscape 0.48.0 r9654, under Kubuntu 10.1, and (not related to this topic), trying to select the File/Document Properties menu crashes my Inkscape).
Thanks again, best wishes, Adrian