On Tuesday 12 October 2010 08:18:14 Alexander Bonivento wrote:
Hello again,
I noticed a strange bug that happens on newer inkscape version. In the attached archive you can see the svg file i'm trying to convert into PDF.
The file b.pdf was created with Inkscape 0.46 (Apr 5 2008), and it looks fine. File a.pdf was created with Inkscape 0.47 r22583 (Jan 20 2010), and does not preserve the fill transparency of the simple shape. Both files were created via commandline on linux servers, with the sintax: inkscape -z clip.svg --export-pdf=a.pdf --export-text-to-path
To check, i've also tried the very last version, 0.48, installed in windows. I've opened the svg file, then i simply saved it as PDF: result is identical to the wrong file a.pdf
Any idea?
Thanks in advance,
My results duplicate yours. But what is the fill inside the rectangle? I only see white space in Inkscape 48 and black fill when saved as pdf. I also get some error messages when I load your svg file.
I also note that your svg file is created in Corel Draw, which could be part of the problem:
<!-- Creator: CorelDRAW -->