On 9/8/06, Jon jts <jts99@...2000...> wrote:
Thank you so much for the suggestion! But... I've already tried that. I also tried saving svg as a ps file, open file in GSView and then print. Results were the same - the first page would print and then stop.
I tried converting svg to pdf, used AcrobatReader to open and print. On the print set-up page, I could see the whole document but, again, only (in this case) up to 14 inches of the document. The rest of the document (10 inches) showed on the picture but was darkened out (the custom sized document was 8.5 x 24 inches) and did not print.
Really, my only question throughout all of this is how do I get a print of a custom sized document???? And, now, why don't the great suggestions, that work for others, not work in this case? HP tells me that its the applications, that the printers are capable of printing really long documents on banner paper.
I can get banners to print using far less powerful applications then Inkscape. I can also get banners printed using Ragtime 5 Solo but the pages don't line up which means that I have to cut and tape the pages together. Inkscape seems to so powerful but..... (thus the need, at least for me, for a printing tutorial.
Thank you again for all the help.
Maybe a shot in the dark here, but maybe your printer settings should be modified too? I'm unfamiliar with the printer model you are using, so I'm not so sure about this with that particular model, but if I recall correctly, there are some models of printers which will not allow you print out custom sized documents unless you either specify how may pages will the "document" span and tell the printer to use continous paper feed instead of let it manage this on its own.
I find it rather odd that not even printing from a PDF worked for you, as the PDF is virtually a "file render" of a print-out (well, postcript is too), and (I'm not sure, but I believe you are using an HP printer?) I'm certain that HP printers do support PostScript just fine, so maybe there's a setting in the driver or printer dialog that you have to enable to be able to print larger documents spanning multiple pages?
Only a suggestion.