On 19/01/10 23:03, jon@...204... wrote:
Quoting Philip Ward<skeggy78@...2040...>:
Hi, just playing with an asus eee pc 900, ubuntu 9.10 with Inkscape 0.47pre4 r22446, built Oct 14 2009, and would like to move the tool bar positions. I know it can be done in other design packages etc, but the screen is a tad small, and would like to see a little more of the page by moving some of the bars to the sides of the page etc. they seem to be locked? well they go up and down, but would like to go from landscape to a portrait positioning, and have looked through the preferences to no avail, and was wondering if its something simple to do?
You've got good timing. I've started hacking in dynamic UI support in the trunk, and one of the three "tasks" I started with is "widescreen". Things are very much a work in progress, but if you can get a build from the recent sources you should already be able to get a good improvement on the usability.
I'm at linux.conf.au giving a talk on the development, but I've not quite gotten the screenshots for how that is looking done. Once some are set, I'll link to them so you can check it out.
Hi jon, Thanks for the info, ill take a look at getting the latest build for inkscape, and have a play. Would be great to see more of the design screen as im sure lots of users would agree.
also as a sideline, will the user workspace be able to export settings, so i could set up on another computer? I also use vista with a 17" widescreen but would love to have the same design environment if possible? And have a lil 12" ibook, OSX 10.4.11 PPC 1.2ghz, but assume the development of this particular branch is no longer being mass developed? As not seen a build on the site etc (same as gimp last stable is 2.6.6), but its ok, i still love my lil ibook.
Look forward to playin once i update etc, cheers phil