12 Jul
12 Jul
10:20 a.m.
Werner van Staden wrote:
- downgrade inkscape back to 0.43 (bitmaps recognised by PDF export)
This is basically the postscript exporter followed by a PS->PDF conversion. You can do that with 0.44 too. See pdf_output.inx in inkscape/share/extensions/ directory.
- open your SVG and remove all text and vectors from the canvas
- export remaining bitmaps as a single high resolution bitmap (this step avoids those black rectangles that result from PDF export process mangling transparent bitmaps)
The black boxes are because postscript doesn't support transparency. If all you need is full transparent and full opaque I have added some basic code for masking images lately. Feel free to try it and report any problems.
- revert to the original SVG (containing ALL elements)
- import the bitmap generated in step 3, resize & position it
- remove the individual bitmap images that are now redundant
- select all text elements and select: PATH > OBJECT TO PATH
this ensures that the PDF conversion process does not mess with your font appearance 8. SAVE as PDF and view with acroread