Judith K wrote:
I'd like to try this out. I'm running 0.46+devel r21262 built 30 Apr 2009 on a MAC Mini OS 10.5.6. So, where does the code go?
Hi, there are 2 files, convert2dashes.py and convert2dashes.inx. I'll attach them here as well. With the .inx file you may have to be careful that the name does not get changed on a download. I'm running Windows and sometimes I see that an .inx file will get automatically renamed to be .xml. Anyways, so you may need to double-check the name to confirm it is still correct.
On a Windows machine they go into the directory C:\Program Files\Inkscape\share\extensions\ . On a Mac it might be different, it might be /Inkscape/extensions/share/ In any event it will be the same directory where there are many other .py files like addnodes.py for example. hth, Alvin
http://www.nabble.com/file/p23519139/convert2dashes.inx convert2dashes.inx http://www.nabble.com/file/p23519139/convert2dashes.py convert2dashes.py