On 17/9/11 21:45, john Culleton wrote:
After I create a multiple page document how do I create and/or get to the master page so I can insert the page numbering?
Please do note that you are asking a question about an externally developed and hosted extension [1] without providing links to its home page and download site. You probably sent several of those trying to help you on a Google trip ;) (Inkscape itself does _not_ support multi-page documents).
[1] The extension in question 'inkscape-pages' (mimicking a feature not supported in SVG 1.1 - multi-page documents) and can be downloaded from http://sourceforge.net/projects/inkscape-pages/ The readme file (as documentation) is available here: http://sourceforge.net/projects/inkscape-pages/files/
Some features of the extension had been discussed with the author of the extension in these two forum topics: http://www.inkscapeforum.com/viewtopic.php?f=28&t=453#p35435 http://www.inkscapeforum.com/viewtopic.php?f=28&t=878#p35182
I don't know whether the author of the extension is subscribed the 'inkscape-user' mailing list.