Hallo Andreas,
Can you recommend a nice web forum about Inkscape in german language?
On https://inkscape.org/de/community/ two forum are mentioned:
http://www.open-draw-community.de/ (domain to sale)
- Thank you, we'll remove the stale link.
- This forum is active, with few, but knowledgeable users and a broken mailing system (so you need to actively visit the web site to see if there's an answer). Several of the expert users on inkscapeforum.com are also German-speaking, but it's difficult to keep things bilingual there.
For the first, I like to know, how I have to configure Inkscape to produce very consise code, free of all ids, attributes, elements, meta elements, which are not really needed. Like the output of a cleaning tool like https://jakearchibald.github.io/svgomg/
- Inkscape uses the cleaning tool Scour to export to 'Optimized SVG' (see list of file extensions in 'Speichern als...' dialog)
Especially I'm interested in code, which contains the basic shapes (https://www.w3.org/TR/2003/REC-SVG11-20030114/shapes.html) when you enter them via toolbar via the GUI.
- I'm sorry, I don't understand :/ Can you describe your goal with some more detail? (If you prefer, we can also switch to the German forum)
Viele Grüße, Maren
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